What Are The Slowest Months For Etsy Sales? | Etsy Sales Drop: What Are the Slowest Months?

  • By: Reece Williams
  • Date: September 19, 2022
  • Time to read: 4 min.

Did you know there are specific months in which Etsy sales drop the most? It’s true! The holiday season is undoubtedly the best time to sell your products on Etsy, but not all months are created equal.

Different seasons have different demand for specific types of products. For example, it’s not just about Halloween and fall-themed crafts; springtime is the season when people start thinking about renovating their homes and gardens. That’s why July and August stand out as being the slowest months to sell your handmade goods on Etsy.

So what should you do? Before giving up on your idea of selling your products on Etsy, take a look at this article to discover everything you need to know about when to sell your products on Etsy in order to succeed in this business venture.

Why Are Some Months Slow on Etsy?

There are several factors that can influence your Etsy sales. These include product demand, the weather, the holiday season, and even major events related to your industry.

For example, if your product is “out of season” (e.g. Christmas cards in July), it will have a negative effect on your sales. If a celebrity endorses a particular product, it can have a positive impact on your sales. If a certain style is trending on social media, it can also have a positive or negative effect on your sales – depending on whether you’re selling in that style or not.

The best way to stay on top of these fluctuations and plan your marketing activities accordingly is by monitoring your sales data with a tool such as Sales Analytics.

It will help you identify the factors that are impacting your sales and help you make better decisions that will help you increase your revenue.

Which Months are the Slowest on Etsy?

The worst time to sell your products is during springtime and early summer. This is the time when people are thinking about renovating their homes, gardening, and cleaning. If you sell indoor gardening products, cleaning products, or home renovation products, you might want to consider moving your products to other online marketplaces that have higher demand for these products (such as Amazon).

While Christmas is the best time to sell your products, it’s not the only season where demand is high. Other times of the year that are great for sales include the month leading up to Halloween, spring cleaning time, and the months following the winter holidays.

How to Stay Motivated When Your Sales are Slowing Down

When you’re on a roll, it’s easy to stay motivated and put in extra hours to grow your business. However, when sales are slow, it’s easy to become frustrated and think of giving up on your business.

Before you do anything rash, take time to analyze what’s going wrong. If you started selling your products on Etsy during the holidays, it’s easy to get frustrated when you don’t see your sales picking up as quickly as you’d like during the rest of the year. However, if the problem is the season, there’s nothing you can do about it.

Remember that each season has different demand for specific types of products. If your sales are slow because of the season, there’s nothing you can do. If you started selling your products during the springtime, it could be because people are cleaning and renovating their homes – and not because your products aren’t as appealing as your competitors.

What to Do When Your Product Isn’t Selling?

If your product isn’t selling, there are two things you can do. First, you can try to understand why. Are your prices too high? Do your products have a low demand? Do your products have an average rating? Are your products poorly-made?

These are just some of the things you need to investigate. Once you’ve uncovered the problem, you need to solve the problem. If your product has a low demand, you probably shouldn’t be selling that product on Etsy.

With a low-demand product, you’ll spend more time marketing your products than you’ll make from sales.

If your products are poorly made, you might want to consider how you manufacture them and to re-make your products.


The best way to stay motivated and keep your Etsy business afloat during slow months is to be proactive.

This means you need to be proactive about marketing your products, getting customer feedback, and analyzing your data. Put in the extra effort during the slow months, and you’ll be glad you did when sales pick up again!