How To Unfavourite A Listing on Etsy | A Step-by-Step Guide

  • By: Reece Williams
  • Date: June 22, 2023
  • Time to read: 3 min.

Etsy is a fantastic platform to sell and buy unique items. The creativity of the sellers makes it ideal for finding something that you’d never get from a high street store.

However, it is great for curating lists of the things you love!

The “heart” (or favourites) feature allows you to bookmark the items you find so you can come back another day to purchase. This wishlist is great for sharing with friends and family – especially around birthdays and Christmas!

But what happens when your tastes change? Or after you find that certain something, and you’re no longer interested in the other items your found? Clearing old favourites can be tricky

So how do you unfavourite a listing on Etsy? To unfavourite a listing on Etsy you need to:

  1. go to and login to your Etsy account
  2. select the “Heart” icon in the top right to go to your favourites list
  3. for each item you want to unfavourite click the red heart in the top right of the listing image
  4. in the pop-up click the link that says “Remove”

How Do I Clear My Favourites List On Etsy?

How To Unfavourite A Listing on Etsy

It is not possible to clear all items from an Etsy favourites list in one go. In order to clear the list you need to do the following for each listing favourite:

  1. go to and login to your Etsy account
  2. select the “Heart” icon in the top right to go to your favourites list
  3. for each item you want to unfavourite click the red heart in the top right of the listing image
  4. in the pop-up click the link that says “Remove”

This is time consuming, especially if you have tens, if not hundreds of favourites to clear.

It is good to have a tidy up of your favourites every now and then. I find that I favourite five or six similar listings before choosing one to buy. By keeping my favourite list tidy I can see what I want to get next!

How Can You Tell How Many People Favourite Your Etsy Shop?

You can see how many people have favourited your Etsy store by going to your storefront ( and finding the total number of Admirers. This is displayed directly below the Items filters.

You will be notified via the Activity tab in your Etsy store admin every time a new user favourites your store.

However, you do not get a notification when some one removes your store from their favourites list.

Can You See How Many Times An Item Was Favourited On Etsy?

The easiest way to see how many times an Etsy listing has been favourited is by going to the listing page and scrolling to the bottom. The number of favourites is displayed along side the “listing date”. This is visible to everyone, so buyers will be able to see this too.

If you want to see how many times one of your listings has been favourited over a specific period of time (such as “last 7 days”, “this year” etc) you can do this by:

  • go to and logging into your store’s account
  • go to your Listings page, either by selecting “Listing” from the left hand navigation, or by going to
  • find the listing you want to check by using the filters
  • select the Gear icon in the bottom right just below the featured image
  • select “View stats”
  • on this screen you can see all stats related to that listing, and you can use the “Listing stats for” dropdown to search for specific time periods


Information on how many favourites is quite easy to find on Etsy. The tools in the admin – specifically in the “Stats” area can make it easy to see how each listing is performing.

As a user it is simple to amend and clear out your favourites list. Using the “Remove” features in the list makes it easy and clear what item is being removed.

It is tricky to bulk remove items, as Etsy only allows one listing to be unfavourited at a time.